On Thursday, January 18, an intruder entered Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan’s 12th-floor apartment in the Satguru Sharan in Bandra. During the robbery, Saif sustained six stab injuries as he tried to keep his kids – Taimur Ali Khan and Jehangir (Jeh) Ali Khan safe. The actor’s eldest son Ibrahim Ali Khan rushed the actor to Bandra’s Lilavati hospital immediately and he’s been receiving medical attention there ever since.
As per reports coming in now, Kareena Kapoor Khan have recorded her statement with the police in connection with the attempted robbery at her house that resulted in her husband, actor Saif Ali Khan being stabbed several times. Read on to know all she said.
Kareena Kapoor records statement in Saif Ali Khan stabbing
In a statement to the police, the actress revealed that the intruder got very ‘aggressive’ during a scuffle with the actor after which he stabbed him multiple times. As reported by NDTV, the actress told the police, “The attacker was aggressive. I saw him attack Saif repeatedly…Our priority was to take Saif to the hospital.”
The actor further stated that after the confrontation, the attacker ran from the spot and did not take any valuables with him. Kareena revealed that when the attacker could not reach Jeh – as Khan was protecting both kids Taimur and Jehangir, he attacked Saif multiple times. Hours after the incident, the actress shifted to her sister’s house while her husband underwent surgery at Lilavati hospital. She said, “After the attack, I was terrified, so Karisma took me to her house.”
A PTI report stated ‘The Buckingham Murders’ actress revealed that the intruder did not touch the jewellery, which was kept in the open.